
Showing posts from August, 2017

Women's Equality Day

As my daughter is about to turn one, I have been reflecting a lot on the past year. My life is so different; I am so different; my perspective is so different. And I am so thankful that it is. I am in awe of all the women who have come before me - carrying babies in their bellies, birthing them, caring for them and turning them into future contributors in our global community. It is such a huge undertaking, and yet it is not only under-appreciated in the United States, but it is also barely recognized as a worthwhile pursuit or career. Becoming a stay-at-home mother in Japan is respected as a career choice for women and as a positive contribution to society at large. Economic reality for most of us in the U.S. is such that we have to be double income earners to make ends meet.  Or is that really the case? Could it be that women feel pressured to come back to the workplace as soon as possible to prove that they are valuable there?  I am not advocating that everyone stay at home...